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All Cash U.S. Home Purchases Surge With Rising Rates: Mortgages – Bloomberg

Greg Leffel, an investor in Columbus, Ohio, said he relishes cash deals as much as he dislikes home loans. He has spent $150,000 buying and renovating 10 foreclosed houses in the past two years and turned them into rentals. “Lending is so tight, and even if you do get a loan you’d have to jump through a bunch of hoops first,” Leffel, 44, said. “I like buying with cash, because …Read More

SEC issues warning about bitcoin investments

SEC issues warning about bitcoin investments By Ken Tysiac May 7, 2014 The SEC is urging investors to proceed with caution when evaluating potential investments related to bitcoin. Bitcoin-related investment opportunities may come with a heightened risk of fraud, the SEC warned in an investor alert issued Wednesday. In the alert, the SEC said the rise of bitcoin and other virtual and digital currencies creates new concerns for investors. New …Read More

House Republicans Propose Controversial Tax Vote – Yahoo Finance

House Democrats on Wednesday found themselves in the odd position of arguing against a tax credit that they generally support out of fear that its passage would endanger the success of other tax credit bills that they also favor. House Republicans brought a bill to the floor that would expand a tax credit for companies engaged in research and development. The proposal would also make the credit permanent, without fiscal …Read More